
Hello Kinderton Neighbors,

This is a reminder that the Bermuda Run Planning Board meeting is TODAY.

Please plan to attend

Your individual participation with elected officials is KEY to help get CONCERNS addressed and questions answered.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022 3:00 PM at Bermuda Run Town Hall
The Bermuda Run Planning Board will consider the Homes Urban apartment rezoning application.

Their actions may include Approve / Deny / or Defer a decision on the request to rezone the property.

Our narrative and focus remains the same; encourage all residents to attend the planning meeting, and express their respective opinions.  

Those overwhelmingly continue to be:

Also included in this message (CLICK HERE) are follow-up questions, with comments and answers from Mr. Robert Morgan of Homes Urban.

In addition to their written replies, an updated site plan and building renderings are included.

Thank you,

Kinderton Village Master Board and Sub-Association Directors