KV Mail Kiosk

Kinderton Village Mail Kiosk


There are 8 Mail Kiosks throughout Kinderton Village.
Some of the Mail Kiosks are numbered by the plat number of residence
& others are randomly numbered (Not by home address).
Keys and location of boxes should be given to new residence owner
by Realtor Agent / Previous Owner / Rental Agency of the Property.
Sometimes the Postal service will put a labeled key in your mail box for larger packages being delivered.
The key goes to a larger mail slot located at the same mail kiosk..


Mail kiosks are maintained by the Town Bermuda Run.
The Town of Bermuda Run will make any necessary repairs if a
Mail Kiosk is damaged or if an overnight light is out.
The Town of Bermuda Run will also arrange to have the Mail Kiosk's
power washed twice a year in mid summer and early spring.

If your lock seems to stick or cannot turn, some residences have had success by using WD40.

Post office and Town of Bermuda Run do not have spare keys for Mail Kiosks.
If keys are misplaced or your lock is broken, the Town of Bermuda Run has offered as a convenience,
the ability to have a representative with Twinbrook Builder to rekey the lock
at a price to be paid directly to them.

The Post Office can also hire a service to replace locks for a fee.

Kinderton Village Map


Town of Bermuda Run
Phone: 336-998-0906     Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Advance Post Office
Phone: 336-998-4423

Single Family Board received an email from Lee Rollins, Bermuda Run Town Manager....
I wanted to make you aware that 4am construction and lighting unexpectently took place on the RISE facility property. Two residents have reached out to me expressing their understandable frustration. Unfortunately, the currently activity of pouring highly sensitive to temperature. Therefore, LandMark will need to work in the early morning hours for a limited period of time. The work would commence at 4am and be completed around 9am on the following days (weather permitting)
  • Thursday, July 30th – COMPLETED
  • Friday, July 31st
  • Thursday, August 6th
  • Friday, August 7th
  • Wednesday, August 12th
LandMark has communicated that they will commit to mitigating the impact on Kinderton Village in the following ways:
  • They will set back the lights in such a way that they are shining away from Kinderton Village as much as possible
  • While the back-up alarms are something that will be difficult to mitigate entirely, they will attempt to route traffic flow to keep this to a minimum (it is important to note that the pours scheduled for tomorrow, August 6 and August 12 will be 200 feet further away from Kinderton Village than what occurred this morning)
If it is possible to convey this information to the residents of Kinderton Village, I would be most appreciative.
Kind regards,

SlowDown sqr
The Master Board has heard the concern of the community
about slowing vehicles down in Kinderton Village.

The Master Board contacted Bermuda Run & the Sherriff's Department. They discussed the idea of a three way stop sign with Bermuda Run and below was their response. At this point, they will not consider another traffic study until the new phase is built out and there are some extenuating circumstances that would warrant the study.

Dear Becky and Jeff,

As a follow-up to your request for a traffic study to validate requests to place a 3-way stop, I have attached three very short documents for your review:

In my conversations over the years with Traffic Engineers and NCDOT representatives, there is consensus that STOP signs do not slow traffic for the purposes of pedestrian and bike safety on streets. The primary purpose of a STOP sign is to ensure safe movement of vehicles at intersections. If there were to be an overwhelming push to conduct a traffic study, I would recommend the completion of the final phase of housing under construction to gain a consistent model for traffic patterns.

If I have misinterpreted something, I am more than happy to have continued discussions. Thank you for your willingness to listen and be attentive to the concerns of the residents of Kinderton Village. I value our ongoing partnership.

Kind regards,

Lee Rollins, Town Manager

120 Kinderton Blvd., Ste. 100

Bermuda Run, NC 27006



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